
you know something that really bothers me? jealousy. especially the petty stuff.

for instance, right now, there's a girl that my ex is friends with. i used to be her friend, too, when we were younger, but a stupid boy got in the way and she hasn't spoken to me since. she blatantly ignores all contact i try to make with her. i'm not rude at all; i usually don't say much of anything, actually, yet she still ignores me. recently, i got my ex to text her (on his phone, since she ignores me) to finally find out why she hates me so much.

apparently, she "thinks she hates me because we have some of the same friends and the mutual friends we have all seem to like me more than her."

what the actual fuck? why would you even hate someone for a reason like that? if i were her, honestly, i would try to learn from me why they like me more and convert/apply those attributes to myself and build stronger relationships. also, from what i know about her, she's made all of her friendships very exclusive. when i was dating my now recent ex, this chick wouldn't talk to him at all, let alone acknowledge his existence. but now that he's single, she texts him constantly (or so it seems to me) and hangs out with him publicly. she makes me want to scream dramatically and punch her in the vagina. ugh.

i'm sorry, people of the World Wide Abyss. this is supposed to be a blog for my late-night philosophical rants/discoveries, but it seems to have subjected itself to my rampaging hormones and other emotional horrors. i've ranted about her enough to my ex already, and it even pisses him off that she hates me for what he, too, deems a foolish reason. he says i wasn't persistent enough with her in the texts i sent (under his guise) and that the next time they hang out, he's going to try to get a "real" answer out of her.

and yes, this man still loves me. and i still love him. we're such a dastardly dynamic duo. and i love it.

rant is over.

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